
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lobbying and snow protesters

On a snowy day in February, I traveled to Michigan’s capital to take part in Humane Lobby Day (a day organized by the Humane Society where constituents meet with their elected officials to speak about bills that affect animals). There, I met with my representative and senator and asked them to support two pieces of legislation: one bill that would make it illegal to own primates as pets, and another that would regulate puppy mills. Luckily, I have a supportive senator and representative, so speaking to them about these bills was not a tough sell at all. To get involved with these two issues (or other animal issues in your community), please visit:

While I’ve traveled to the capital before to meet with my elected officials, I had never watched a session of congress. So I gladly accepted the opportunity to observe. It was a lot less formal than I thought it would be. And certain members of the house appeared to be more interested in consuming their lattes and text-messaging than they were in actually making laws. Perhaps I am mistaken though as there might have been a bill that sought to regulate the number of text messages one can send while sitting at Starbucks (I would be in full support of this, by the way. After all, could it be more annoying to be reading or writing at a coffee shop while your neighbor’s phone is constantly blowing up?). I also pictured more podiums. And more members having Mitt Romney-esque hair. The whole process seemed a bit like organized chaos, but it was still quite exciting to see how laws are actually introduced and passed.

And now, onto the pictures.

The capital building. Duh.

And some views from inside the joint:

Congress in session.

Who doesn’t love a protesting snowperson? Even if they are scary and angry-looking and carrying signs with spelling errors.

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