
Saturday, October 30, 2010

My trip to Guatemala - Day 11

September 22, 2010

After class, I went to Ciudad Vieja (a neighboring pueblo) to watch a La Union teachers vs. students soccer game. At first, I wasn't going to go as I'm not a huge sports fan, and the thought of playing soccer seemed mighty scary and the thought of watching it seemed somewhat boring. But I am so glad I went!

As soon as I stepped on the bus, I felt a sense of camaraderie. I quickly introduced myself to the person I was sitting next to (Stefan, a forty-something guy from Switzerland who quit his job to learn Spanish, which just happens to be his fourth language), and I heard others doing the same. On the way to the game, I met Mae (a woman from Wisconsin who used to work as a legal advocate at a sexual assault center), Maria and Ivan (an English couple who started their current trip in San Francisco and plan to travel all the way to Buenos Aires before heading home), Andrew (a friendly, recent college grad from Tennessee with one of the thickest Southern accents I've heard in a long time) and two guys from Japan, who both have extremely funny names. Aki Nose sounds like Aqui No Se, which, in Spanish means Here, I Don't Know. Upon first meeting him, I immediately conjured images of an Abbott and Costello routine in the making. The other guy's name is Kohie (pronounced Ko-Hay), which apparently sounds exactly like the s/he verb form of cojer (which is a dirty/slang word for sex. In English, kind of like the F bomb). I can't decide whose name I enjoy more.

Once again, I was struck by how friendly everyone was. The game was fun, and I liked cheering and taking pictures. Some of the players were quite serious, and I was so glad I was able to stay sweat and dirt-free on the sidelines.

During game breaks and on the way back, I was able to talk to more of my classmates. For instance, Mr. I Don't Know has been to 40 countries and he's done stints as a chef in many of them (although photography remains his dream). Ivan and Maria worked as a lawyer and a banker before deciding their dream was travel and subsequently quitting their jobs. With the exception of Ivan and Maria, everyone was traveling alone. I was impressed by their bravery to do something alone, and I was also extremely inspired by everyone's ability to break from the beaten path in order to pursue adventure. I felt very at home with this group of strangers, and hearing their stories has driven me to travel more and sink my teeth deeper into new experiences!

Some pictures from the intense game, in which five red cards were handed out. Okay, okay, that last part was a fib, but some of the players do have some mighty intense looks on their faces (especially in the last one).

To view more pictures of my trip, go check out my album on facebook.

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