
Monday, July 15, 2013

Loony Bin Little Rock

I performed at the Loony Bin in Little Rock, Arkansas this past weekend.  And, apparently because I didn't learn my lesson last time, I took the bus.

My trip down to Little Rock consisted of three megabuses (Ann Arbor to Chicago, Chicago to Memphis, Memphis to Little Rock).  If you like verbal abuse and being yelled at by the driver and other passengers, I suggest you take megabus.

My favorite passengers were having a loud discussion about religion.

"You're either serving Jesus, or you're serving Satan.  That's it.  There's no in between," they both agreed.

Um...what about serving Joey McIntyre?  Because that's what I do.

Finally, after hearing nearly an hour of Bible quotes, one of the other passengers told them to shut-up.  Then an all out screaming match erupted between shut-up-lady, the Jesus-servers and a bunch of other people in the front row. Thankfully, they tired quickly and were quiet for the rest of the trip (other than some tremendously loud mouth-breathing by Jesus-server number one).

But, considering my ticket cost $3.50, I suppose I can't complain too much.

Upon exiting the bus, I realized that the heat in Little Rock is no joke.  90-something degrees with a bajillion percent humidity, are you kidding me?

Fortunately, Stephen from the club (one of the nicest guys in the business, along with the rest of the super awesome staff there) picked me up and brought me to the air-conditioned condo.

I was there on my own for a day before the other two comics (Sam Demaris and Adam Hunter) showed up.  Luckily, I was able to keep myself busy.

I also began my half-marathon training.  I'll be running my second half in September, so I figured it might be a good idea to actually get off the couch and start training after not having run for a month.

Dear Arkansas: I severely underestimated not only your heat, but your hills.

Not impressed by sweating from every pore of my body after my 3 miler.

The shows were a lot of fun!  Sam and Adam are both really funny and great guys, and we all bonded over our mutual love for MMA.

And while I love the staff at the Loony Bin (like, they seriously make me want to move to Arkansas just so I can hang out with them more), I am slightly mad at them. You see, they've gotten me hooked on this little vice called Candy Crush Saga.  I seriously might be in need of an intervention soon as I fear I may give up all of my hobbies, friends and free time just to play my new addiction. 
Luckily, I have a twelve hour bus ride (have such words ever been spoken?) tomorrow and I'll need to keep myself distracted.  So perhaps I can forgive them after all.

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