
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sugar and Slingblade

Sadly, I didn't take any pictures in South Dakota.  I think my motivation had something to do with being terribly sleep-deprived and not wanting my under-eye bags to be recorded.

I worked at Rookie's Comedy Club in Sioux Falls with the hilarious Vince Morris, and we had a lot of fun closing the bar down two out of the three nights we were there.  What can I say? I'm a sucker for good conversation and free popcorn.

I also took part in/overhead the following conversations:

Setting: Rookie's Comedy Club, after Friday's late show.

Audience member: C'mon, you guys gotta hang out after the show.

Vince and me: We're pretty tired, so we're probably going to leave.

Audience member: But, it's 50 cent nelly night!  You can't leave!

Vince and me: What is a nelly?  Some sort of shot?

Audience member: (repeats "but, it's 50 cent nelly night" nearly ten times before finally concluding) You know, the rappers.

Setting: Rookie's Comedy Club, after Saturday's early show.

Audience member 1: Do you know what ever happened to Amanda from high school?

Audience member 2: Oh, she got knocked up by a carnie and now she works at McDonald's

Setting: At my hotel, afternoon.

Random, strange, rednecky-looking man who spoke with a Slingblade-style accent: (after looking me up and down for easily a minute upon noticing my PETA t-shirt) You with PETA?

Me: I used to be, yes. Now I just volunteer for them.

Random, strange, rednecky-looking man who spoke with a Slingblade-style accent: (with utter disgust and an eye-roll) Oh.

Cut to awkward silence as we rode the elevator together.

Setting: Taco Bell drive-thru line.

Taco Bell employee: I assume you want the verde sauce?

Me: I've actually never had it, but sure, I'll try it.

Taco Bell employee: Well, it's our green sauce and it's healthy. 

Me: I see.

Taco Bell employee: (as he hands me an order of cinnamon twists and jumbo-sized Pepsi) I just assumed since you ordered a veggie burrito, you must be really healthy.

Ah, yes, sugar - the fifth food group.

My drive back home was long, but uneventful.  I got home around midnight and hopped right into bed so I could be well-rested for my first day of law school.

Cue excitement and terror.

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