
Monday, November 18, 2013

Vaudeville and popcorn

Last weekend, I worked at an old vaudeville theatre (that seats 600 people), and it was so cool!  When I received the itinerary, all I knew is that I was to head to a place called Logansport, Indiana and perform at a place called the Shindig.

I had no idea what a treat I was in for!

First of all, when I arrived, I saw this:

Call me egotistical, but I never get tired of seeing my name in lights.

Second, the staff could not have been nicer! I even got my own, personalized tour of the backstage area/dressing rooms (which contained cast notes/graffiti from 1912) and basement (which contained a Freddy Krueger-style boiler room and tunnels throughout the city). I wish my camera could have captured how cool this tour was, but, it was largely dark, and my flash wouldn't do it justice.  So just take my word for it, mm-kay?

I also got quite the history lesson. The theater was built in the 1800's for vaudeville, converted into a movie theater around the time movies like Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz became popular, then back into a live venue in the 1960's, and then back to a movie theatre in 1970. In fact, I was the first woman to perform on the Shindig's stage since 1970.

And, as if that isn't cool enough, they served popcorn (not just any type of popcorn, but movie theatre-style popcorn, which I love, love, LOVE).  I'm pretty sure I might have eaten my weight in it.
I got to work with the very funny (and mega-talented) Ron Feingold. If you haven't seen his show, it's super unique, and you should definitely check it out (especially if you like acapella music).  

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to explore much of Logansport since I was working on my legal memo for law school all day and night. I seriously only took breaks to shower and perform.  Well, and to eat copious amounts of popcorn, of course.

My face most of the weekend:
Luckily, I was much, MUCH happier once, after working on it for nearly a month,  I turned it in on Sunday.  Cue more popcorn-eating to celebrate.   

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