
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Houston Turkey Trot 10K

On Thanksgiving morning, Drew and I woke up bright and early to run the Houston Turkey Trot.  Back a few months ago, when I wasn't so tired (and wasn't anticipating how full of tofurkey and stuffing I'd be), I decided signing up to run a 10K at 7 a.m. would be a brilliant idea.

I quickly reconsidered once we got three hours of sleep, Houston was unseasonably cold (it was a balmy 36 degrees), and I was completely stuffed with the aforementioned tofurkey and stuffing.

Us pretending not to be completely sleep-deprived (sunglasses + under-eye concealer for the win).

Drew doing some hardcore stretching to intimidate the competition fool his body into thinking he was well-rested.

One good thing about living in Michigan is that running in 36 degree weather is normal.  So unlike all of the Houston folks who were bundled up like they were about to hike through Siberia, I actually felt somewhat warm with my two long-sleeved t-shirts.

We were a bit late getting to the starting line (blasted port-a-potty lines!), and once we crossed, Drew blew past me we parted ways.

This race was actually one of the easier runs I've had in a while. Not sure if it was the lack of snow blowing in my face or the flat course (or maybe it was the New Kids on the Block blasting through my headphones?), but I wasn't dreading running around mile 4, which I usually do.  I started to feel out-of-gas around mile 6, but luckily, I only had .2 to go.

Running in a new city is a great way to take in the sights.  I didn't snap as many pictures as I wanted, but I did capture a few.

And before I knew it, I was crossing the finish line.

Happy to be done!

When I looked up my time, I realized that I PR'ed by 6 minutes! And that's with a port-a-potty stop on the course.

To celebrate, I promptly stuffed my face with vegan pumpkin pie...and more tofurkey and stuffing, of course.

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