
Monday, December 23, 2013

Rushing to Iowa

Immediately after my last final, I grabbed Drew (well, not literally; in my Torts class, I learned that's called assault), hopped in the car with him, and drove seven hours to Iowa to perform at a show that evening.  Yeah, I don't so much recommend getting up at six am, taking a grueling four-hour final and then flooring it for the entire afternoon/evening before performing (unless you have a super powerful bladder as we didn't even have time for bathroom breaks).

Throughout the drive, my heart was racing the entire time as I knew that if we hit traffic or construction or snow, we likely wouldn't make it on time.  Luckily, the only thing of interest that we did pass was this:

Spotted on our drive.
I'm happy to report that we did indeed make it on time! I checked into the hotel, got ready, and headed over to the show.  After the show, Drew and I celebrated being done with the semester with this GIANT vegan pizza:

Originally, we bought it thinking it would last us four or five meals. Nope, it lasted one evening.
I had a lot of fun at the shows, and during the day, we ate vegan sushi and watched movies (specifically, American Hustle, which was great).

Behold the deliciousness!
It was so icy in Iowa (How icy was it? It was so icy in Iowa that rappers were moving there! Heyyy-oooo!) that we had to scrape the car every time we ran into the store for over five minutes.  Luckily, Drew helped with that.

Getting reacquainted with his Midwestern roots.
Despite the cold, it was an awesome week!  Now, onto that last minute Christmas shopping...

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