About to enter my happy place.
Joe hoping not to pop a blood vessel.
A shot from his encore.
My first feature show in 2010 was at Jack’s in Spring Lake, Michigan. There, I worked with Davin.
And got to see my name in blinking lights.
The show was packed, and the crowd was lubricated. This is a nice combination for laughter…and awkward heckles. When I started the show, I attempted to talk to the crowd. As is standard, I asked if any of the audience members were celebrating anything. One woman in the front loudly proclaimed, “I don’t have AIDS.”
As you can imagine, that brought the show to a screeching halt. I try to roll with it, and I even congratulated her, but she seemed fairly AIDS-obsessed. In fact, when I did a bit about living at home, with my parents, she attempted to cheer me up. “At least you don’t have AIDS,” she consoled.
Perhaps I should use this as a mantra. Perhaps everyone should. And if you’re feeing particularly creative, switch up the STD.
For instance, if you get dumped by your boy/girlfriend, you can tell yourself (with loving kindness, of course), “At least you don’t have Chlamydia.”
Well, I suppose this will work as long as Tiger Woods isn’t said ex-boyfriend.
That weekend, I worked with my good friend, Steve Sabo, at the Comedy Room in Wyandotte, Michigan. Combine this with no major heckles and top-notch Italian food, and you’ve got yourself a pretty awesome night.
Steve’s a. pre-show game face, b. pre-show constipation face or c. both.
Char and Kenny, the lovely folks who help run the room.
Steve and me (along with super funny Jordan Jones, who MCed the show…and treated us to some of his funk-o-licious dancing).
This past week, I performed in Gaylord, Michigan with my friend, Sal Demilio.

Yes, in case you’re wondering, the blazer/black shirt combination has been making a lot of appearances as of late.
Despite there being a massive blizzard, the audience that showed up was small, but mighty. We had a great time, and we even met audience member, Dave, after the show.

I could have done without the weather on the way home though.

A view from I-75. Nothing says, "Welcome back!" like a huge blizzard and threats to put your car in the ditch. Thanks, Michigan!
But, alas, I made it home and then performed at Chaplin’s Comedy Club that weekend.
There, I met Chad Miller and Amaru. Both extremely funny and great guys!
The shows were fun, although I think the last one was sponsored by AshleyMadison.com as a woman in the front (who was on a self-described “blind date”) got a call from her husband during the show. Hilarity then ensued.
In summary, it’s great to be back on stage, nice to be in the Midwest and fantastic to be screaming my lungs out at Joe Mac shows!
I deny everything! No one will ever believe it!! The last show was Jerry Springer unleashed!!
ReplyDeleteGreat week with ya! You do good work!!