Buttons that I helped sell at SMART's (Southeastern Michigan Animal Rights Team) booth.

My view from the VegMichigan table.

Displaying bumper stickers at the Animals and Society table.
One of the things I love about Art Fair is that you encounter so many interesting people and causes.
My favorite booth from the fair:

They also had a sign that said, "Free Bathing Suit With Every Donation," which featured a picture of a nude beach.

At one point, this mud man ran through the crowd with a camera crew in tow. Neither he nor his entourage provided any explanation whatsoever. Oh, Ann Arbor, how I love thee.
Another reason I love Ann Arbor: this new vegan lunch cart!

This is the Caesar salad I had, which was top notch.

Because, after all, what blog entry would be complete without a food pic?
This is further proof than men should NOT be photographed from this angle. Thank God for that sign...I just ate.