I had several Midwestern dates during the past couple weeks (and by dates, I mean comedy shows, not, like, awkward match.com meet-ups at Starbucks). Because that's how I roll, y'all, I play Wisconsin in the winter and the south in the summer. Fantastic routing, no?
Actually, I was really excited to be home. Except for a quick stop by Wisconsin (and by quick, I mean an 8 hour drive each way), I spent two weeks in Michigan.
I performed at Eastern Michigan University (my grad school alma mater) with Steve Sabo, who is apparently "hillarious" as evidenced by the poster below (I had no idea he was filled with peaks, but I guess so).

Post-show shenanigans:

And I even got to perform at the club where I started, the Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase.
Hanging with Mike Evitts, Dwayne Gill and Ricarlo Flanagan after the benefit show we did for Planned Parenthood at the Showcase.

That show marked the first time I was given condoms as a post-show thank you present. Also included was wine...to inspire activities that involve said condom usage.

I'll leave you with some shots from my trip to Wisconsin. In addition to bowling alleys, high school proms, and Christmas parties, I can now say I've performed in a barn (cross that off the ol' bucket list).

Here was the hotel where I stayed.

From the outside, it doesn't look like much, but it was so cute! I had the cowboy themed room. Somebody had been watching some serious Martha Stewart as the entire place was COVERED in Western crafts. I was afraid to blow-dry my hair for fear that I might get carried away with the round brush and knock down one of the papier-mâché boots.

Despite the cold and snow making me curse every time I step outside, it still feels nice to be in a place where people understand if you order a pop.