On Saturday, March 10th, I performed in London for the first time. Ahem, allow me to clarify. London, Ontario. As in Canada, not as in the UK. Although I'm still holding out hope that I'll get to perform there, too. My show was at Big League Comedy Club. The crowds were fun, and the staff was really nice. Although my accent must be a dead giveaway because after speaking to anyone for longer than five minutes, they would all say, "you're an American, right?"
Downtown London is really cute, and my hotel was right next to a vegetarian restaurant. Although after battling traffic and the border, I didn't get to spend much time there. I definitely need to go back.
The following Sunday, I woke up at the crack of dawn (after daylight saving time kicked my royal patoot) and headed back to Detroit to run in the Corktown 5K. I couldn't believe how many people were there...or how many people were drunk at that early in the morning. I also saw a guy rolling a joint in his car before the race. That's one way to get ready for a 5K. Welcome to Michigan!
As soon as I started running, my lack of sleep hit me. My body hurt for nearly the entire race. Plus, even since Thanksgiving, my cold weather-hating self stopped running outside. Let me tell you, there is a BIG difference between running on a treadmill (in the comfort of a heated gym, equipped with tv's playing Nancy Grace) and running outside. When I run on the treadmill, I never set the incline, so it feels like I'm running on air. So when my feet hit the actual pavement in Detroit, I was in for a rude awakening.
I was hoping to improve my time from my last 5K. Unfortunately, I did not do that. But, I did manage to run the entire race...and, even better, I managed to not pass out due to the pain.
I continued the St. Patrick's Day celebration on the 17th when I performed with Kevin McPeek in Greenville, Michigan. I much preferred this celebration, mostly due to the fact that it contained beer and didn't contain physical activity.
In between the 10th and the 17th, I also performed at Laugh Fest in Grand Rapids and the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt. Pleasant. I didn't get any shots of those shows, so I'll leave you with the ones featuring green.