My view for our 20 hour drive:
I was just glad he took a break from playing Words with Friends and doing crossword puzzles to actually, oh, you know, watch the road so this wouldn't happen to us:
The roads were quite scary, and as expected, there was a crapton of snow. But, we made it!
First stop: playing the Dreamers Lounge in Grand Forks. I absolutely love Grand Forks! It's a cute college town filled with students who talk about sociology with a North Dakota accent. What could be more adorable than someone talking about functionalism while sounding like they just walked off the set of the film Fargo?
Back when we were young and purdy:
We also met the very funny (and really nice guy) Spencer Dobson. He came by to MC and we had a few (read: several; it is North Dakota after all) drinks with him after the show.
After leaving Grand Forks, we headed to Fargo (well, Moorhead, Minnesota to be exact; they're right next to each other, but Fargo sounds more exotic), where we got to be on the radio to promote our shows.
And the highlight of the trip? Seeing the infamous wood chipper!
Fargo memorabilia.

And the best part about the good ol' chipper? It got us out of a speeding ticket! On the way back, as we were crossing the Ohio border, Steve got pulled over. The cop's favorite movie was Fargo, we showed him the above picture of us, and poof, nothing but warning city!
Thank you tributes to gruesome film scenes; you just saved us $200!
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