I started my first week of 2012 by performing Iowa. I shared the stage with the hilarious (not to mention, super nice) Mark Poolos. We started off performing at the Meskwaki Casino (where I was good and managed not to lose my entire paycheck on the black jack tables) and finished up our run at Joker's in Cedar Falls. We had a nice turn-out for the Joker's shows, and I even managed to score a pair of pants (that don't look like grandma pants or have an elastic waist band) for $2 at the thrift store in town (which, when you wear a 7 Long, is no easy feat).
On Sunday, I woke up at 5 am and hopped in the car so I could make it to my show in Midland, Michigan (P.S. Seriously, who is doing my routing? Oh yeah, um, me). There, I worked with my good buddy, Steve Sabo, and my new friend, Nathan Kime. Sadly, there weren't too many people in the crowd, but the people who were there brought the laughter! At one point, a drunk audience member even rushed the stage just so he could hug Sabo. It's times like this that I thank my lucky stars that I'm only a feature act. I don't get shown quite the amount of "love" as most headliners.
I was super tired on my drive home after my Sunday show, but it was eased by discovering one of my old Paula Abdul tapes. I listened to "I Need You" from the
Forever Your Girl album on repeat the whole way home, and choreographed videos in my mind. That's what most normal people do at 11:00 pm on a Sunday, right? RIGHT?
Anyway, I didn't take any pictures of actual people, but I did get some stellar shots of buildings (because, hey, if you're like me, you read blogs just so you can see pictures that might as well have been lifted from google images).