The Resolution 5K in Lansing (taken before we snorted kale, freebased B-12 and smoked the competition).
And ended this way:

On stage at Connxtions Comedy Club, double-fisting it before the ball dropped.
It was a wonderful day. To see more pictures, you can visit my Facebook album, located here. And by the way, while you're at it, I sure would appreciate if you gave my Facebook page a big ol' "like."
2011 was a year of great adventure! Some highlights:
-I traveled to Costa Rica for the first time.
-I performed in the following states for the first time:
-South Dakota
-I moved in with my main squeeze and my step-cat (note to self: must write new jokes that aren't about living at home with my mamacita).
-I started working (professionally) in animal rights again, this time for Animals and Society Institute.
-I ran my first 5K.
-I attended my first NASCAR race.
-I did some protesting and took a trip with the Animal Liberation Project.
-I saw the loves of my life in concert again.
-I did a couple of commercials, including this one:
-I walked the Mackinac Bridge for the first time.
Of course, I made resolutions/goals for next year, too. They are as follows:
-I will complete a 10K.
-I will give up soda completely.
-I will hold at least one mayorship on foursquare (hey, I had to make that was actually attainable).
Happy 2012, y'all!
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